This week of consecration is a great opportunity for us to lay a solid foundation to walk worthy of the Lord this year, seeking to please Him in all things. One of the keys to the success of this week of Corporate Consecration is that we all take it seriously and participate to the best of our ability, realizing that we are members one of another. So, make a commitment to this week, not just for yourself but for your brothers and sisters as well.
This information has been prepared to help us to maximize the benefit of our five days of corporate consecration as individuals and as a church family. Please read it carefully and prayerfully.
Consecration Overview
During this time, on a church wide level, we will embrace a time of corporate consecration. During this period, we will be intentional to fast from food and feast on the things of God. In addition to spending more time personally in God’s Word and in prayer, each evening we will gather corporately at the church building to sing, pray, read God’s Word, and to exhort and encourage each other in Christ. More specifically, here is what we will be doing this week: